Outward Bound!

Created by jackie wicks 9 years ago
We had a very funny team building Outward Bound (team building) trip to Wales for all the HoD’s in the London office. On arrival at the OB registration centre we were despatched by minibus to total wilderness somewhere in the Welsh hills. At dusk and in the pouring rain the driver dropped us in the vicinity of our overnight accommodation but as part of the course they required us to do some map reading for the last part of the journey. After hiking for a couple of miles we saw the chalet (hut) in the distance and someone said “oh how sweet they have lit candles in the window for us”. Little did we realise that this was to be our only source of light. Nor did it have electricity. The two males in the group - Armando and Michael’s first job was to start cutting wood for the burner, this however was done in total darkness and pouring rain – subsequently Armando nearly chopped off the top of a finger! They were ably assisted by Lally and Sarah who used their lung power to get the fire going. Meanwhile the rest of the team prepared spagbol for dinner and fortunately, Jane our Regional Manager, had the foresight to ensure that 2 crates of wine were waiting for us. We then spent a riotous evening playing games, eating and drinking. The only person with a hangover the next day was the course leader! Our bunk/s consisted of two wooden ‘shelves’ one above the other that accommodated 5 on each, side by side. Very cosy but a night’s sleep was not on the cards. Not very 5 star . Nor were the toilet facilities up to much and so the next morning Armando showed us how to dig a hole and dispose of whatever. The funniest thing though was the next day when Armando found out that his Manager, Sally, had packed her hairdryer in her rucksack for a stay in a hut that didn’t have electricity. She was never allowed for forget!
